Commodore’s Beloved Amiga Is Being Revitalized With Updated Retro Hardware

Commodore's Beloved Amiga Is Being Revitalized With Updated Retro Hardware

Although it has been over three decades since the first Commodore Amigas were originally released, a fan base for the beloved systems is still going strong. Of course, the Amiga install base is a small fraction of what it was during the machine’s heyday, but the community supporting the Amiga is still vibrant and very much alive. In fact, the Amiga community – and many other retro-computing communities for that matter — seems to be more active now that it has been in years, and a number of exciting new hardware projects have cropped up or hit major milestones in recent weeks.

Two relatively new projects, led by popular members of the Amiga community Paul Rezendes and John “Chucky” Hertell, are designed to breathe new life into the Amiga 4000 and Amiga 1200. Both men set out to reverse engineer the motherboards for these systems, not only to continue the possibility of repairing existing machines that are prone to serious damage from leaky batteries and electrolytic capacitors, but to potentially spur additional customizations down the line. The Amy-ITX, for example, is a modern, mini-ITX take on the Amiga 500. Though Paul and John have only made minor modifications to the Amiga 4000 and Amiga 1200 motherboard PCBs to this point, the possibility now exists for additional variants to arrive at some point in the future, and that's a pretty cool prospect for sure.

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Commodore’s Beloved Amiga Is Being Revitalized With Updated Retro Hardware