DAF delivers its first all-electric truck for urban use – Less NO2 emissions within a city is good

DAF delivers its first all-electric truck for urban use – Less NO2 emissions within a city is good

DAF has delivered its first all-electric truck to a customer as part of their test program.

The truck maker partnered VDL Groep to build the electric powertrain for their CF truck, which consists of a 170 kWh battery pack and a 210 kW electric motor.

While it’s a small battery pack for a truck of that size, DAF claims that it still enables a range of 100 km with a capacity of up to 40 tons, which it says is still useful in distribution applications within urban areas.

The company is also talking about a “quick charging of the batteries in 30 minutes or a complete full charge can be accomplished in as little as 1.5 hours.”

See https://electrek.co/2018/12/24/daf-electric-truck/


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The race to bring all-electric trucks to market and electrify the transport industry has culminated into several firsts in 2018 and we have one more before the end of the year. DAF has delivered it…