Essential and Google are the best at updating their phones with security patches, according to SecurityLab…

Essential and Google are the best at updating their phones with security patches, according to SecurityLab

As Google talks about the next billion people to get online being possible thanks to Android, many are worried about the security ramifications of these less expensive devices. As a whole, Android is a secure mobile platform, but that’s only true when the devices are kept up to date with security patches. Data collected by SecurityLab shows that if security updates are important to you then you should be picking up a smartphone from either Essential or Google.

Hardly any of the major Android smartphone OEMs have shown they’re capable of getting security updates out in a timely manner. Most can’t even deliver the updates on time for their flagship smartphones during the entire time they’re supported. This will continue being an issue for the next billion people to get online as they’re more likely to be purchasing an affordable smartphone. We have yet to see a company dedicate resources to keeping these devices updated.

Note these stats reflect SECURITY PATCHES and not OS updates.


c2d1252f e4c9 4100 9918 42aa4112ed66 Essential and Google are the best at security patches
SecurityLab data shows that if security updates are important to you then you should be using a smartphone from either Essential or Google. They take days to update, while others take weeks and months.