Even electric cars powered by the dirtiest electricity emit fewer emissions than diesel cars, says new…


Even electric cars powered by the dirtiest electricity emit fewer emissions than diesel cars, says new study

A new study has tried to address two of the main concerns over the environmental impact of electric vehicles versus gas-powered cars: namely the emissions from electricity generation to power the EVs and the impact of mining raw materials. The main takeaway is that even electric cars powered by electricity generated by the dirtiest fossil fuel sources, like coal, still emit fewer emissions than diesel cars.

We have seen similar studies coming to similar conclusions in the US earlier this year and that was based on dated electricity generation data while the grid is becoming cleaner. Now an analysis of the life-cycle emissions of the vehicles conducted by VUB university in Brussels for NGO Transport & Environment (T&E) goes into further detail based on several European markets. It’s a truly enlightening study going in-depth to isolate CO2 emissions based on every part of the vehicle cycle.

As you can see on the chart below, even on an extremely polluting national grid, like Poland’s, a battery-powered vehicle still emits 25% less CO2 over its lifetime than a diesel car.

See http://bit.ly/2z8HcG6

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