Ford Survey Finds Most People Have No Idea What An Electric Car Is Or What It Can Do – 42% of Americans said they believe electric cars still run on gasoline

Ford commissioned a study. And boy, did it ever get a truckload of negative feedback from the people it hopes will be buying its electric vehicles. Here are some of the findings, as reported by CNET Road Show and The Drive. If the following leaves you shaking your head in disbelief, you’re not alone.

  • 42% of Americans said they believe electric cars still run on gasoline.
  • 67% said electric vehicles have no towing capacity.
  • 65% said they would not consider an all-wheel-drive electric vehicle.
  • 80% said electric vehicles don’t work in hot or cold conditions.

A lack of incentives for dealers to sell hybrids and electrics, a lack of training for the salespeople who sell them, and an incessant industry campaign to roll back emissions standards all conspired to leave the public dazed and confused. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, Detroit. It tolls for thee.

So ironically now a lot of this misinformation is counting against the big car manufacturers who finally now want to market their electric vehicles. Beware of what seeds you sow, as the minds of the general public take many years to change eg. eating fat would make you fat.


#EV #Ford
#^Ford Survey Finds Most People Have No Idea What An Electric Car Is Or What It Can Do


As it prepares to launch its first electric SUV next year, Ford is starting a new campaign to educate the public about the benefits of electric cars. It’s about time.