Frozen Linux System? Here are 3 Ways to Deal With It – a few techniques to attempt to rescue or reboot…

Frozen Linux System? Here are 3 Ways to Deal With It – a few techniques to attempt to rescue or reboot an unresponsive Linux system

Linux is known to be very stable, but even the most stable system can encounter situations that cause it to become unresponsive. Then comes the awful feeling as you push and hold “Power”. There are a few tricks with Linux one can attempt in such a case. At this point, we are not looking to save any unsaved work. We want to find a way to avoid a reboot or at least provide the cleanest reboot possible to avoid corruption.

For the purpose of this article, Linux can be seen as a set of 2 stacks: The Kernel Stack and The User Stack. Somewhere inside the User Stack, you have programs running. More than likely X server, a window manager and some programs. You can imagine that list of programs, including the X server, as another stack inside the User Stack. This concept will help newer Linux user understand some of the task we will perform later.

It's true that Linux is rarely dead. Sometimes a desktop UI may freeze or become unresponsive so these tricks are useful to know as there are ways of giving things a kick to get some life again.


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