Full Steam Ahead For First Ever Diesel-Killing, High-Speed Hydrogen Fuel Cell Ferry

Full Steam Ahead For First Ever Diesel-Killing, High-Speed Hydrogen Fuel Cell Ferry

Things certainly are moving along quickly in the hydrogen fuel cell field. Just last summer CleanTechnica took note of plans for a futuristic new fuel cell ferry boat slated to ply the waters of San Francisco Bay, and the vessel is on track to launch — literally — next year according to its developer, Golden Gate Zero Emissions Marine.

The project is also interesting because it involves the US Department of Energy’s Sandia National Laboratories, demonstrating yet again how DOE keeps finding new ways to undercut President Trump’s pro-fossil energy messages by continuing to promote cutting edge clean tech. If all goes according to plan, the new vessel will help push the commercialization of renewable hydrogen and crowd diesel out of the maritime transportation picture.

Whilst hydrogen fuel cells may have not taken off the same way with motor vehicles they can be very suited to marine vessels – one or two specific replenishment points and a quick turnaround.

See https://cleantechnica.com/2018/12/23/full-steam-ahead-for-first-ever-diesel-killing-high-speed-hydrogen-fuel-cell-ferry/

#fuelcell #hydrogen #ferry

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Among the forces behind a game-changing, zero emission, high speed, hydrogen fuel ferry boat for the San Francisco Bay is the US Department of Energy