Get started with CryptPad, an open source collaborative document editor
CryptPad is a secure, shareable note-taking app and document editor that allows for secure, collaborative editing. It is a NodeJS app, which means you can run it on your desktop or a server elsewhere and access it with any modern web browser. Out of the box, it supports rich text, Markdown, polls, whiteboards, kanban, and presentations.
CryptPad's real power, though, comes in its sharing and collaboration features. Sharing a document is as simple as getting the sharable URL from the "share" option, and CryptPad supports embedding documents in iFrame tags on other websites. Documents can be shared in Edit or View mode with a password and with links that expire. The built-in chat allows editors to talk to each other (note that people with View access can also see the chat but can't comment).
All files are stored encrypted with the user's password. Server administrators can't read the documents, which also means if you forget or lose your password, the files are unrecoverable.
If you look around you'll find a number of online services offering CryptPad but you can also install it on your own server or even just desktop computer. I use it sometimes for quick online collaboration at work.
Get started with CryptPad, an open source collaborative document editor Securely share your notes, documents, kanban boards, and more with CryptPad, the fifth in our series on open source tools that will make you more productive in 2019. |