Give Your MacBook Touchscreen Controls For Just $1 Worth of Gear

Give Your MacBook Touchscreen Controls For Just $1 Worth of Gear

The setup works by reflecting the MacBook’s built-in camera down towards the screen. From that viewing angle, special computer vision software can tell when you touch the screen based on the distance between your finger and its reflection. It can also map the exact location of your finger.

On the hardware side, all you need to create a “touchscreen” MacBook is to MacGyver a contraption consisting of a small mirror, a piece of a paper plate, a door hinge, and some hot glue.

A nice project for those who are bored on the weekend… but note the “Project Sistine” software will likely require some figuring out.


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Apple still refuses to release a touchscreen MacBook (no, the Touch Bar doesn’t count), but one group of developers have come up with a clever solution. Using some impressive AI software and about a buck’s worth of hardware, the team was able to bring rudimentary touchscreen controls to an Apple laptop.