Google announces Titan Security Key for enhanced online security
These physical security keys aren’t that new. There have been some companies like Feitian, Yubico, and others who support FIDO, FIDO2, U2F and many more authentication methods. Google has been encouraging regular users of their service to use them for a while now, so what is so special about Google’s Titan Security Key? Naturally, they aren’t giving away the secret sauce, but it features custom firmware developed by Google. The Titan Security Key will be available in both USB as well as NFC/Bluetooth options and will be available for sale in Google’s online store within the next few months.
Individual pricing for these the Titan Security Key is said to be around $20 or $25, but there will be a bundle option for $50 (which makes it seem like that’s not a deal at all).
I'm really not seeing how this will be any different from my NFC/USB Yubikey? OK Bluetooth is different but that means a battery and sketchy Bluetooth. Do phones still not all have NFC?
Google announces Titan Security Key for enhanced online security Google has announced the Titan Security Key, a physical security key fob that can be used to greatly improve your online security. |