Google testing good news command for voice assistant.. but Google responds that there is no Good News…

Google testing good news command for voice assistant.. but Google responds that there is no Good News yet in my Region

Love this idea as we do sometimes want a dose of good positive news. The only problem for me was when I tried it out Google Assistant tells me there is no good news yet in my region 😉



EpRP42dNw P9s5NQRPo1cmEUL5eU0kJH2bLs qggvTpiK3sva0nZuutOoKTtd6PvVaLuTNGh3ayIXVu0Av7p60bqBvH4cZA g1PSm5rT6f1GF2wx=w506 h910 Google testing good news command for voice assistant
Google has announced a new experimental feature for Assistant.