How Long It Would Take A Hacker To Guess Your Password, Visualized – It’s quality and not quantity of changing it monthly!

We all know our passwords probably aren’t as safe as they should be (looking at you, people who have used their pet’s name plus their birthdate for the last 10 years) — but would it take a hacker nine months to guess yours, or 25 seconds?

This chart, created by Reddit user hivesystems with data sourced from HowSecureIsMyPassword, shows how long it would take a hacker to "brute force" their way into your account, depending on how long your password is and what kinds of characters it includes. What they would do is run a program that systematically attempts every possible permutation of the letters, numbers and symbols involved in the password until it hits the right one.

See How Long It Would Take A Hacker To Guess Your Password, Visualized – Digg

#technology #Security


We all know our passwords probably aren’t as safe as they should be — but would it take a hacker nine months to guess yours, or 25 seconds?