How to Choose the Best (and Fastest) Alternative DNS Server

The image shows a computer screen displaying the results of a Domain Name Server (DNS) benchmark test. The foreground is dominated by a table of data showing the response times of various nameservers. The background features the title "DNS Benchmark" along with other menu options like 'Introduction', 'Nameservers', 'Tabular Data', and 'Conclusions'. The software appears to be 'Precision Freeware by Steve Gibson'. The image depicts a technical analysis of network performance.

Your internet service provider offers its own DNS servers, which help you turn websites like into their respective IP addresses. Your devices use those by default, but you can set your own preferred DNS servers for a bit of improved speed.

Many DNS servers will also block malware, pornography, and other types of websites, if you want them to.

If you’re looking for something faster than your ISP’s DNS servers, you should run a DNS benchmark to find what’s best for your connection. The fastest DNS server will depend on your geographical location and internet service provider, so there really isn’t one fastest DNS provider for everyone.
