How to delete your Facebook account on Android – As Many Do Not Get Their Accounts Deleted Properly

How to delete your Facebook account on Android – As Many Do Not Get Their Accounts Deleted Properly

Facebook is one of the world's largest social networking platforms around, and while it can be a great place for connecting with loved ones, it's also been faced with a heap of security and privacy issues as of late. If you no longer feel safe having so much data on Facebook and want out for good, here's a quick step-by-step guide on how to delete your account using an Android device.

You do need to follow all the steps and be warned of two things:
1. Facebook will try make you cry at the final stages telling you how much particular friends will miss you (yes even dead friends or your ex-spouse).
2. Facebook usually still retains the data for 6 months "just in case you want to come back" so you must not try and log in again at all. We're actually not too sure if it ever deletes your data….



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Fed up with Facebook and ready to finally kick it to the curb? Here’s how to safely and securely delete your account using the Android app.