How to Install Ubuntu and Dual-Boot macOS – For the Brave at Heart

How to Install Ubuntu and Dual-Boot macOS – For the Brave at Heart

Dual-booting macOS and Ubuntu requires a brave spirit, but it’s not too difficult. It’s not too hard to install Ubuntu and dual-boot a macOS/Linux configuration.

Linux is an amazing environment for development and programming. But be warned that some hardware functionality might never work right under Ubuntu. This could be core stuff, like USB-C, or minor stuff, like the Touch Bar. You never really know until you try. Macs can be weird under Linux, especially with the operating system’s historical lack of driver diversity. Only go ahead with this if you have the technical chops (and patience) to troubleshoot a buggy system.


#dualboot #macos #ubuntu

d7c30b9e 5ec4 486e be36 843d43205b51 How to Install Ubuntu and Dual-Boot macOS – Apple Gazette
Dual-booting macOS and Ubuntu requires a brave spirit, but it’s not too difficult. It’s not too hard to install Ubuntu and dual-boot a macOS/Linux configuration. Linux is an amazing environment for development and programming. But be warned that some hardware functionality might never work right under Ubuntu. This could be core stuff, like USB-C, or …