How to prepare for a total Eskom blackout – Not very likely but good to take basic precautions as it…

How to prepare for a total Eskom blackout – Not very likely but good to take basic precautions as it would be a disaster

Driving home tonight through two load shedding areas was a scary experience. I could not spot the darkened intersections with dead traffic lights. Luckily I know more or less where they are but judging from two cars that whizzed past me when I stopped at those intersections, either other drivers did not know or else they were very reckless. When I got home to my suburb my house was the only one with lights on… Imagine now having no power across the whole city or country for 5 or 10 days. That's what the scenario is for a total grid blackout. The grid does not restart suddenly in a day or two.

So the article linked to below does have some really basic practical suggestions to think about. Luckily Cape Town itself has been through a water crisis recently so many of us are already prepared with extra water tanks and stored water. Things we take for granted though are having an analogue radio with proper batteries in, having a walkie talkie also with batteries in. Walkie Talkies are great for local communication within a suburb, and finding out where you amateur radio operators (can spot them by the tall antennas) are in your suburb will ensure messages can get out to surrounding suburbs and emergency response.

It's not worth going overboard on the planning but basic preparedness is never wasted.


#eskom #loadshedding #blackout

w981w6mtquFBbtHUByGXtsfQRenfkQ0ONn1QZ8 SSEH acBnrE1uClAa2TwqmJ9HyxoG Oe8NAO6PEL0KRGrQJiLpCnhIw2zPARQKyDLDTmvk5Wr4SMKBXeRmhE=w506 h910 How to prepare for a total Eskom blackout
A total blackout would be a disaster “akin to civil war breaking out”.