Improve Your Singing With the Tone App for iOS

Improve Your Singing With the Tone App for iOS

Tone is almost silly in its simplicity. Load it up, admire the pretty sine wave on its main screen, and tap the play icon. Turn your sound on (or crank it up, as the app advises) and tap the check mark to get started.

To begin, tone plays a note. You try to guess the note’s name from an unchanging list of options. Tone plays more notes. You keep guessing.

You score points every time you correctly pick the note being played. Once you hit mistake number three, it’s game over, and back you go to the main menu. (Though Tone does encourage you to brag about any high scores you achieve by giving you an easy way to post your progress to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.)



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iOS: Some people become karaoke gods the minute they pick up a microphone, leaving us mere mortals to wonder how they managed to summon Freddie Mercury from an astral plane. Others…need a little practice. While there isn’t one app that will make you the next American Idol overnight, Tone (iOS, free) is a great app for practicing basic note recognition and tricky intervals.