Inspiration for 2018: Success Quotes from History’s Greatest Entrepreneurs

Inspiration for 2018: Success Quotes from History’s Greatest Entrepreneurs

While there’s an abundance of contemporary entrepreneurs worth quoting, I’ve long had a fascination with legendary entrepreneurs who built many of the early cornerstone industries of the 20th century and earlier. From Henry Ford to Ray Kroc and Coco Chanel to Estee Lauder, they all faced enormous odds in not only creating new business models but in changing the very trajectory of a society. And they did it from ground zero at a time when raising capital was far less efficient than it is today.

What’s most fascinating about these individuals is that their challenges do not differ much from yours and mine. They were all imperfect people with outrageous ideas and they were often surrounded in controversy. They were each very different and yet they all shared common attitudes about doing over thinking, persistence, unbending confidence, motivation, and an ethos of never ever quitting.

Perhaps drawing on their words will give you the inspiration you need to keep moving forward, with the knowledge that while every entrepreneurial journey is unique, all success is based on some basic immutable attitudes that govern your trajectory as surely as physics governs that of a rocket.

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