Israeli Cyber Unit Veterans Help Facebook Destroy Competition – Why would FB work with a company like Onavo and surely that VPN service could not be trusted?

ormer Unit 8200 soldiers’ Onavo app was used by Facebook to track the usage of other apps by tens of millions of its users and then decided how to cope with potential competition, suit claims. Facebook bought Onavo in 2013 for $150 million. According to the suit, Onavo – which the FTC terms a “user surveillance company” – was the technological tool Facebook used to learn about rival apps.

Given the nature of what Onavo does why would any social media company require such services, and even then market (later withdrawn) a "secure" VPN service my Onavo to its users? We’ve heard of free VPN services actually spying on users, now how could this be any different (speculation of course)?

It’s really suggesting to me that Facebook is not really into social media for the sake and purpose of social media at all. That then extends by implication also to Instagram and Whatsapp and maybe explains why they wanted to integrate those services (and why both Instagram and Whatsapp terms of service changed).

See Israeli cyber unit veterans help Facebook destroy competition

#technology #deletefacebook #privacy

