John Oliver on Facebook's apology ad – "We've got your data and your friends, and really, where are you going to go, Friendster?"
So apart from the fact that I did indeed delete my Facebook account and moved to Friendster, the moment in the video at 3:25 really does capture the essence of why so many people have not been able to leave Facebook at all. Bottom line is most of their friends are there… and that really sums it up. No matter that other networks may have zero adverts, zero selling of data, better control over what you see in your feed, have clean chronological post feeds, etc for most people, it is about where their friends are.
Those that have moved on have already done so and I really believe it will only be legislation now that may possibly protect the remaining Facebook users. Facebook has apologised too many times already to be really sincere about protecting privacy. Their business model is built upon selling adverts and data and unless they change to a non-profit model their users are pretty well much going to be stuck with things as they are.
My real hope for the future lies in federated networks that will allow you to choose the federated view you see, and still link and follow friends in other federations. That gives choice whilst retaining friendship links. Each federation/Network competes in its own niche without lockin… but do we think that Facebook is going to truly open up their walled garden? Well, legislation will tell maybe… I've seen it in action already by using Hubzilla and Frienster, where I follow pople on Twitter, and I have followers from Diaspora and other networks.
Watch John Oliver at
So how many of you do still have a Facebook account versus those who do not, and especially those who actually deleted their accounts in protest?