Legends at full throttle: Photographer captures pin-sharp images of the final 55 airworthy Spitfires

As they soar across the sky, it is hard to believe more than three-quarters of a century has passed since these glorious fighting machines were helping repel the mighty Luftwaffe.

Almost equally incredible is how pin-sharp these photographs are of some of the remaining 55 airworthy Spitfires, as the planes show off the elegance and manoeuvrability that made them the stuff of legend.

Photographer John Dibbs captured the remarkable images, which have now been published in a book, in a plane flown within 15 ft of the Spitfires by former RAF pilot Tim Ellison.

See http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3598540/The-Photographer-captures-pin-sharp-images-final-55-airworthy-Spitfires-using-just-handheld-camera.html

Urban F ([email protected]) 2017-06-03 12:31:27:

Spitfire, Spitfire, Spitfire…
Stunning, pin-sharp images of the final 55 airworthy Spitfires

Using the skill and experience of former RAF pilot Tim Ellison, north London born photographer John Dibbs was able to fly to within 15ft of different Spitfire planes.