Manjaro Linux 17.0 has arrived: An excellent time to give it a spin

Love the idea of a rolling release (no big re-install very 6 months or 2 years) like Arch Linux, but a bit put off with the “complicated” installation and setup? Well maybe Majaro Linux is the answer.

It is based on Arch Linux but is probably the most user friendly and well supported flavour of Arch Linux. You can choose from Xfce or KDE as the officially supported desktops, or with the Community version you can choose from Gnome, Cinnamon, LXQt or i3 desktops.

I’m going to install it in a VM tomorrow to test out a bit.

See a review at or visit their site at
Manjaro Linux 17.0 has arrived: An excellent time to give it a spin | ZDNet

Official versions with Xfce and KDE desktop, and Community versions with Gnome, Cinnamon, LXQt and i3 desktops available. Here’s what I’ve found so far.