Michigan Conservatives Shocked To Learn Renewables Could Give Economy A $10 Billion Boost!

Michigan Conservatives Shocked To Learn Renewables Could Give Economy A $10 Billion Boost!

The Michigan Conservative Energy Forum commissioned a study (https://static1.squarespace.com/static/544676b0e4b08bb8e7627c06/t/5b34fbd0aa4a993c622a744e/1530199250989/hillstudy) recently to determine what the impact of increased renewable energy would have on the state’s economy.

In the end, they were shocked to find raising the amount of energy the state derives from renewable sources to 30% by 2027 would create more than 68,000 new jobs and have a gross economic impact on the state of more than $10 billion. Most of the renewable energy envisioned by the study would come from solar and wind, according to Michigan Radio. “While environmental benefits often dominate energy policy dialogue, this study presents evidence of economic impact which should be considered in the context of likely return on investment.” writes The Hill Group, which prepared the study for the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum.

See https://cleantechnica.com/2018/07/03/michigan-conservatives-shocked-to-learn-renewables-could-give-economy-a-10-billion-boost/

#michigan #renewableenergy

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A study commissioned by the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum finds that if the state gets 30% of its energy from renewables by 2027, that could add 68,000 jobs and give a $10 billion boost to the state’s economy.