The new system is running the whole house except for the geyser (which is on a Geysewisde timer system). Although it is the middle of winter and the days are short, a sunny day is generating about 11kWh and the system is maxing at about 2,4kW by midday. I’m looking forward to summer when our days are far longer and sunnier. Right now I’m getting about 60% of the daily consumption from solar.
The batteries discharge down to 60% and then grid power takes over by about midnight and the following day the sun is charging the batteries and powering the house. The Victron MultiPlus II inverter will run at 5kW continuous power and the energy meter will bypass from the grid if there is anything exceeding that. The inverter draws power from the solar panels, batteries and grid (in that order). If there is no grid power the batteries continue running below 60% so I’m covered for load shedding or unscheduled grid outages.
I’m already thinking of adding another two panels…
See more photos at #^
#victronenergy #environment #solar