My list of hundreds of useful free and open source software alternatives grouped by category at https…

My list of hundreds of useful free and open source software alternatives grouped by category at

I maintain this list for myself grouped by category as I often get people asking me what they can use to administer a school, manage a network, use for project management, designing posters, etc. As I work in a government environment any purchasing of software is subject to lengthy and expensive procurement processes, so a first option is often to find good open source software (and many governments around the world mandate this as part of their policies).

My list is categorised by:
* Wordprocessing / Documents Management / Reading
* Libraries
* Web Development / Computer Programming / Blogging
* Databases
* Helpdesk
* Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
* Browsers
* E-Mail and Collaboration
* Security
* Utilities
* Education
* Network / Performance / Asset Management
* Private Cloud Computing
* Instant Messengers / Telephony
* Project Management
* GIS / Navigation
* Graphics / Video / Photo Editing
* Sound / Audio
* Finance / Business
* Games
* Operating Systems
* Television / Broadcasting
* Government
* Health
* Computer Aided Design (CAD)
* Home Automation
* Miscellaneous

I’d be very surprised if there was nothing of use to anyone in this list 😉


#FOSS #opensource

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There are pro’s and con’s for both proprietary and open source software. It is a question of the right tool for the job. Open source is not necessarily free! I see great opportunities for levelling the playing fields in the South African IT industry, and believe that open source will enable small IT companies in South Africa to provide win-win solutions. Below are some of the key links I track regarding open source software.