My observations on alternatives to G+ that I’m testing and especially MeWe Groups

Some observations I posted today about some alternatives I'm busy actively testing – I'm a heavy G+ Collections poster so it is this type of functionality I'm seeking to allow followers to tune into a specific topic I post on vs just profile posts.

Danie van der Merwe originally shared:
My observations on alternatives to G+ that I'm testing and especially MeWe Groups

It's been about two weeks now (I think) since the announcement about G+ shutting down by August 2019 and I've been testing out MeWe, Minds, Friendica, Diaspora (Pluspora) and Hubzilla quite actively. It's a pity I did not record the exact follower numbers as I did have Diaspora, Friendica and Hubzilla accounts open with some followers but Minds and MeWe were brand new so those are good indicators from a clean slate. I post the same content so there is no difference on that front except that for MeWe, Minds and Diaspora I have to repost manually which is a bit of a pain and I'll mention why below.

– Groups are the big advantage here that accurately replicate my G+ Collections – My Tech & Gadgets group has 338 followers, Green Tech 82 followers, Open Source 202 followers. My Gaming group is way lower than on G+.
– Groups appear in a central searchable directory so this probably explains how people find my Groups to follow. The directory only shows Groups that are actively posting.
– My Profile has 131 followers from zero.
– No public posts means I can't expose my posts to other networks or RSS feeds so it is only contained within MeWe (really waiting for this to change).
– No 3rd party posting or pulling in my feed from elsewhere so all manual.
– There are 4 views you need to look at to see all activity and I hope MeWe will allow us to have one stream like G+ has where you opt to have posts show there are not.
– MeWe is definitely the closest to how I use G+ with Collections.
– Probably getting the most likes and interactions from followers on MeWe vs others.

– No Groups so just one profile feed – also no formatting of text like bolding.
– Profile has 62 subscribers with 920 views.
– Minds has a nice filtering system on notifications.
– I have 6.92 tokens from my posts that appear to be able to be used for services or boosts on Minds itself (you can't withdraw it).
– Posts can be followed publicly or reshared to outside of Minds.

– Same as Pluspora but a different pod in the Fediverse.
– So this means that people using Pluspora, Hubzilla or Friendica can follow me here from wherever they are without joining or logging into the Diaspora pod.
– I'm on 67 followers here (had about 50 before) and quite a few new followers are from Pluspora.
– Posts can be followed publicly or reshared to outside of Disapora.
– Aspects here are more like G+ Circles and really determine what Profiles I see, or who has visibility of my posts (per Profile in the aspect). So no not like Collections where the follower decides what to follow.
– It can auto push posts to Twitter and Tumblr but I can't import my feed to auto post in Diaspora.
– Has basic Markdown formatting of posts.

– I have 152 contacts BUT I could add Twitter friends so that I can view their Twitter posts in my Friendica feed (and Like and comment on them). I've seen some growth here but mostly some Pluspora users who found me here.
– Posts can be followed publicly or reshared to outside of Friendica.
– Also in the Fediverse so this means that people using Pluspora, Hubzilla, Mastodon or Diaspora can follow me here from wherever they are.
– Some nice sort order options to view your stream.
– More detailed formatting of posts including underlining.
– Has most social network interconnectivity out of all options – can auto repost to Blogger, Buffer, Libertree,, GnuSocial, Tumblr, Twitter, and WordPress.
– Can mirror (auto post) from G+, Twitter,, GnuSocial, and IFTTT into Friendica.
– You can follow Profiles by Group but their is no equivalent of G+ Collections – followers follow all or nothing.

– 35 Profile followers which is my quietest network as this is also a local SA pod which is quite quiet.
– Posts can be followed publicly or reshared to outside of Hubzilla.
– You can follow Profiles by Group but their is no equivalent of G+ Collections – followers follow all or nothing.
– It also interacts with GnuSocial, Diaspora and the Fediverse including Mastodon (follow, be followed, comment, like).
– It can push (auto repost) to Twitter as well as to another Hubzilla account that you manage elsewhere, and to Friendica.
– Can set delayed datre/time for post to publish.
– I have my Hubzilla account auto posting from my external RSS feed.
– You can follow Profiles by Group but there is no equivalent of G+ Collections – followers follow all or nothing.

See my MeWe Tech & Gadgets Group at

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