Nebraskan Farmers Were Using Wind Turbines Before Environmentalism Was Invented

Old black and white hotos of a square wooden structure. The op is open, and two paddles of a wind turbine can be seen protruding. A man is standing in the front holding a wooden plank. He is wearing a boater hat and wearing a suite.

Many seem to forget that electric cars, windmills generating energy (whether electric or mechanical energy) are just not new ideas.

The difference is that the technology at the time was limited by what was known then. Today, we can make things work much more efficiently. With the networking of ideas, we are also able to exponentially improve what we know.

So many inventions have come about from society’s need to solve challenges and problems. And yet so many ideas were violently resisted as well – remember when all cars had to be preceded by a person waving a flag, or where it was thought that steam locomotives would cause cows to stop producing milk, when we thought humans could not travel faster than they could run, when we were not made to fly, when we thought 5G cell towers were going to cause cancer, and so the list goes on and on.

Our biggest problem today is we are a society of buying everything – so things cost more, we lose our ability to fix and repair things, and then we panic that a new invention is going to take all the jobs away. In fact, new things (like just moving from horses to cars, or typewriters to computers) have created more new jobs after the transitions.

Society’s difficulty is more one of not being willing to change, and today even more so, with the misinformation that is so popular.
