Reference guide to Linux Directory structure – Distros may differ, but these remain relatively constant…

Reference guide to Linux Directory structure – Distros may differ, but these remain relatively constant

When we install a Linux distribution we see that a number of directories are created. These created directories may be same or partially different on various Linux distributions. You might know about the directory structures & what purpose they serve. For those of you who don’t know about the Linux directory structure or have partial knowledge or just want to relook on Linux directory structure & its usage, this article will act as a reference guide


89fa496d b385 4ff0 aed1 dbc38b933b7d Reference guide to Linux Directory structure – LinuxTechLab
Learn about Linux Directory structure. We will start out this article with the Linux directories/partitions that are must for every Linux system & are required for Linux system to work properly. These partitions are ‘/’ (root), ‘/boot’, ‘/swap’.