Smart Safe & Sound Panic app for Android – A really feature packed SOS Emergency alerting app for phone…

Smart Safe & Sound Panic app for Android – A really feature packed SOS Emergency alerting app for phone and/or watch

Apart from just acting as a panic button to alert multiple contacts via e-mail, SMS and phone call with your location, the app can also automatically detect a fall, a car crash, or the device leaving a perimeter limit area. You can choose any three option to alert each contact.

The free version will work as a panic button on the phone or Android watch (active press or timer mode) but a once-off payment of $1.99 will include a voice recording with the follow up e-mail (so you can scream out a message like I am here right now or just had a car crash), and also will provide a standby mode (where it will listen for a trigger word or a shake of the phone to send an alert) and unlock the car crash, fall and geographical perimeter alerting.

What I like about this app is that it will work without Internet connectivity (the emergency call and SMS will still send), it allows multiple contacts, and even the free mode is fully useful as it is.

Bonus functions also include Fake Call (to get out of an uncomfortable date or meeting) as well as a Timer button (if your time limit elapses and you have not pressed the OK button it will trigger an alert) and a Reassurance Button (will cancel an alert or just let people know you are OK (if you are for example travelling somewhere).

More info at

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