Solar Energy Storage Problem May be Solved in New Single-System Technology – Austin, Texas

Solar Energy Storage Problem May be Solved in New Single-System Technology – Austin, Texas

Generating power from the sun isn’t the problem. The technology has been there for decades. Storing that power efficiently, however, has been a challenge. Until now. That’s why the Department of Energy has awarded $3 million to engineering researchers at The University of Texas at Austin to overcome the Achilles’ heel of the solar power story since Day One: how to store its energy.

“Our solution to solar energy storage not only reduces capital costs, but it also reduces the operation cost through its multifunctional capabilities,” Huang said. “These functionalities will ensure the power grids of tomorrow can host a higher percentage of solar energy. By greatly reducing the impact of the intermittence of solar energy on the grid and providing grid-governing support, the M4 Inverter provides the same resilience as any fossil-fuel-powered grid.”

One such additional functionality is the ability to provide fast frequency control, which would prevent a solar-powered grid from experiencing blackouts on days when large cloud cover might obstruct solar farming.

Good to see more investment going into R&D around storage for renewable energy generation.


#gridstorage #solar

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The DOE has awarded $3 million to UT engineers to overcome the Achilles’ heel of the solar power story: efficient energy storage.