Solution for Drupal 8 users wanting to hide the drupal subdirectory and use the main domain name

Solution for Drupal 8 users wanting to hide the drupal subdirectory and use the main domain name

I spent a full 24 hours on this issue (less 8 hours of sleep). It would, of course, have been easy if I had just used a subdomain like but many sites across the Internet link to some of my pages and have long been using just the domain name with the path to the correct page. The problem is that you can redirect the domain name but it then always wants to append /drupal to the URL which breaks those links. I got it to work fine with and but not at all with my main domain.

I learnt a lot about .htaccess files and cPanel redirects (which are actually set from the .htaccess file in the public_html directory). The short of it though is I finally found a solution that worked with Drupal 8 at So hopefully this helps any other poor Drupal 8 souls struggling with this

#drupal8 #redirect

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