South Africa working on Climate Change Bill

South Africa working on Climate Change Bill

Speaking at a press briefing before introducing her department's budget to the National Assembly on Wednesday, Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa said in addition to finalising the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, the department had developed a draft Climate Change Bill.

She said that South Africa was a signatory to the Paris Agreement to Combat Climate Change was an acknowledgement that this was a problem requiring a global effort.

"South Africa continues to play an active role on the international stage through participation in a number of key multilateral environmental agreements and their associated negotiations," she said.

"In addition to finalising our National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, we have developed a draft Climate Change Bill to provide effective national response for both mitigation and adaptation action."

From the White Paper at
"Furthermore, the planned rail re-capitalisation programme is considered an important component of this Flagship Programme in so far as it will facilitate both passenger modal shifts and the shift of freight from road to rail. Initially led by the Department of Transport, the programme will also include a Government Vehicle Efficiency Programme that will measurably improve the efficiency of the government vehicle fleet by 2020. It will encourage new efficient-vehicle technologies, such as electric vehicles, by setting procurement objectives for acquiring such vehicles.



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In addition to finalising the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, the Department of Environmental Affairs says it has developed a draft Climate Change Bill.