Spotify reveals 2 million free users are dodging ads
Yes, it is quite technically possible to do this but firstly musicians are being robbed of their income (the free service is paid for by adverts) and secondly, it could risk the free service just being discontinued for everyone.
Just because something can be done, does not mean it is ethically or morally the right thing to do. Streaming music services are already not that expensive to subscribe to.
If someone has a moral objection to advertising then rather just pay for the service like millions of other people do. The service itself needs to operate, and if we want streaming music, then the service has to pay the musicians.
So if you can afford to pay then pay for the service, and if you can't then support it by accepting the adverts. Many really cannot afford to pay, and for them, it would be tragic if they lost the option to listen for free with adverts.
#spotify #musicians # music #theft
Spotify reveals 2 million free users are dodging ads Over 2 percent of free users |