Study links heavily processed foods to risk of earlier death – But it is not definitively conclusive…

Study links heavily processed foods to risk of earlier death – But it is not definitively conclusive

Eating a lot of heavily processed foods is linked to a risk of earlier death, according to a study.

A team in France worked with more than 44,000 people in a study running from 2009 called NutriNet-Santé. They looked at how much of their diet – and calories – was made up of “ultra-processed” foods – those made in factories with industrial ingredients and additives, such as dried ready meals, cakes and biscuits.

The research, published in the journal Jama Internal Medicine, found that deaths were more likely to occur in those who ate more ultra-processed food.

Other scientists were unsure whether the study proved a link between ultra-processed food and an early death, but agreed it was more evidence that a junk food diet was bad for health.

A LCHF diet though encourages the consumption of whole foods (meat, vegetables, fruit) and steers away from processed food as generally sugar, additives, preservatives, etc have been added.


#LCHF #processedfood

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