Super Micro audit complete, including servers supplied to Apple: no spy chips found as claimed in Bloomberg report – Appears to have been a Smear Campaign by Entities Unknown
It's what I said from the start… how come after all these alleged chips had infiltrated supply chains to major companies did nota single one of those companies say they found anything after the story had already broken – in fact, they disputed it outright and requested a reaction of the story.
What is really sad is that it has had economic consequences with some telco's abandoning expensive equipment they had bought, brands have been blacklisted from bidding for upgrades…. based on nothing at all found.
"Nardello specifically tested samples of the motherboards supplied to Apple and Amazon, alongside current versions, and found no evidence of spy chips in any of them. The company also checked design files and software, to see if there was evidence of tampering with either, but found nothing there either."
"The Department of Homeland Security, the NSA and the UK’s NSA equivalent GCHQ all backed the denials; Apple repeated its denial to Congress (an insane thing for a company to do if it were lying); a leading security researcher who had been specifically seeking out evidence for this type of attack was unable to find any; and one of Bloomberg's own sources told them prior to publication that the story made no sense."
So what everyone wants to know is:
1. How does a reputable news organisation swallow such a story when no-one outside the sources they had has corroborated it?
2. Who initiated this story (they clearly fed it through to multiple sources to whom Bloomberg spoke).
3. Why has Bloomberg not retracted the story?
Why I picked up again on this today was for two reasons:
1. I'm behind on my podcasts and just listened a TWiT podcast discussing the results of the audit.
2. This morning I got a letter from the US company that I do my cloud backups to, informing me that because of the Bloomberg story last October their prices are going up by $1pm and they literally quoted (with a link) the now discredited Bloomberg story. It just shows how this story was swallowed up on face value. I responded by replying today wondering whose hardware they then could safely use.
#supermicro #bloomberg #spychips
Super Micro audit complete, including servers supplied to Apple: no spy chips found The tech news was dominated in October by a dramatic Bloomberg claim that Chinese spy chips had been embedded into the Super Micro motherboards of servers supplied to Apple, Amazon and others. The … |