Take to the virtual skies with FlightGear – Try free and open source flight simulator FlightGear

Take to the virtual skies with FlightGear – Try free and open source flight simulator FlightGear

Yes, X-Plane (and similar expensive and proprietary applications) are very good and even cross-platform but don't forget to consider excellent alternatives like FlightGear. I don't think many people know but for a few years now you could buy a cheap set of bi-coloured glasses and get a 3D of the cockpit in FlightGear. The simulation includes advance weather modeling and the ability to download current weather from NOAA. You can also select multi-player mode, which allows you to "fly" with other players on FlightGear supporters' global network of servers that allow for multiple users.

If you've ever dreamed of piloting a plane, you'll love FlightGear. It's a full-featured, open source flight simulator that runs on Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

The FlightGear project began in 1996 due to dissatisfaction with commercial flight simulation programs, which were not scalable. Its goal was to create a sophisticated, robust, extensible, and open flight simulator framework for use in academia and pilot training or by anyone who wants to play with a flight simulation scenario.

An added bonus with open source is being able to study the code and see how it works, and to even submit improvemnets or modify it for your own use.

See https://opensource.com/article/19/1/flightgear


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Dreaming of piloting a plane? Try open source flight simulator FlightGear.