Teach school remotely with the Moodle learning management system on Linux – As it’s FOSS also ideal to freely create content for re-sharing

The pandemic has created a greater need for remote education than ever before. This makes a learning management system (LMS) like Moodle more important than ever for ensuring that education stays on track as more and more schooling is delivered virtually. Moodle is a free LMS written in PHP and distributed under the open source GNU Public License (GPL).

I’ve seen Moodle in use at a few places in South Africa including an offering by the Western Cape Government intended to equip citizens for various types of trade and business where it helps guide what curriculum can be explored. As its open source not only can it be modified for use, more universities and other institutions can freely develop content for all sorts of generic courses and purposes which can be re-used across all Moodle platforms eg. Covid-19 awareness. I like too that Moodle takes care of testing and scoring so that knowledge can be tested after the courses are completed.

See Teach a virtual class with Moodle on Linux

#technology #opensource #education #schools #training


The pandemic has created a greater need for remote education than ever before. This makes a learning management system (LMS) like Moodle more important than ever for ensuring that education stays on track as more and more schooling is delivered virtually.