Teachers weigh in on Apple’s push for more iPads in school – Is Education key to gaining future market…

Teachers weigh in on Apple’s push for more iPads in school – Is Education key to gaining future market share?

Well, the second half of the title is my own opinion but it is probably well accepted that what kids use and learn about in school invariably ends up getting used by them later on in business. Microsoft knew this well when MS Office was pushed into Education, and which is why Google, Apple and others try so hard to push into this market.

So the news is not really about the push for iPads, but what I found more interesting si the current market share (likely USA) where Chromebooks are really ruling! Personally, I'd lie to see diversity and balance in the educational market, and not the dominance of once single brand or product. We have enough challenges in business already with many IT "specialists" only know a single technology. How do they make objective decisions, and how easy is it for them to switch technologies?

See https://www.theverge.com/2018/3/30/17172566/apple-ipad-google-classrooms-chromebooks-teachers-education


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