The Best Shaving Cream (not Soap) of 2019 Review

After a combined 48 weeks of careful comparison in blind tests, five intrepid gentlemen helped test 12 top products to select Cremo – Original Concentrated Shave Cream as the best shaving cream. Cremo hasn’t been around as long as most of their competitors, but they seem to have nailed the formula for a great shave. The runner-up is the classic British brand Taylor of Old Bond Street.

But the best part of the review is the amount of background about the types of soaps and creams and what to consider when choosing a product.  I suppose the biggest challenge though on this review is selecting what products to review as there are a countless number on the market.

I still prefer a good soap for shaving at home which lasts a good 8 months but when travelling I use Proraso cream.

See #^

#traditionalshaving #wetshaving #shavingcream
#^The Best Shaving Cream of 2019 – Your Best Digs


After a combined 48 weeks of comparison in face shaving tests, 5 intrepid men helped us test 12 products to find the best shaving cream.