The Leica M10-D is a reincarnated classic ‘film’ camera with digital guts – right down to a lookalike…

The Leica M10-D is a reincarnated classic ‘film’ camera with digital guts – right down to a lookalike 'film advance lever' and no LCD screen

Leica’s latest camera would be tough to pick out among a line of classic film cameras, despite the camera’s digital sensor inside. On Wednesday, October 24, Leica debuted the Leica M10-D, a full-frame digital rangefinder camera with a screen-free body channeling classic film.

As part of Leica’s digital rangefinder series, the Leica M10-D shares the same digital guts as the earlier M10 and other iterations like the M10-P. The camera houses a 24 megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor with an ISO range from 100 to 50,000, pairing that sensor with M-Mount lenses.

While the M10-D may have the same guts as the M10, on the outside, the two cameras are vastly different. Leica intentionally did away with the telltale LCD screen at the back. The move helps give the M10-D the look of a film camera, but Leica says the change also frees “photographers from all distractions.”

Continuing the film look, the Leica M10-D uses a mechanical dial for exposure compensation at the back designed to resemble the controls of an analog M series Leica. That rear control ring also houses controls to turn the camera on and off along with a control for activating the Wi-Fi. Shutter speed and ISO also both receive mechanical dials, located at the top of the camera.

Besides the lack of a screen, Leica is aiming to disguise the digital camera as a film camera even further with a pullout thumb rest, which is designed to look like the film advance lever of an analog camera. Leica says the thumb rest aids in the ergonomics, particularly while shooting with one hand.

Yes there is an option to view via your phone's screen for those shots where you need it (as well as an optional viewer that will attach to the hot shoe adaptor), but this is the best I've seen in terms of emulating a real retro camera.


#retro #leica

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