The MeWe social network made a tool to import your Google+ data (Posts and Collections) to their platform…

The MeWe social network made a tool to import your Google+ data (Posts and Collections) to their platform

The MeWe social network has just announced that they have made a tool that will import your Google+ data to their platform. The tool is simply called the G+ MeWe Importer. The tool is expected to go live on March 12th, possibly even sooner.

Here are some of the details of this G+ MeWe Importer tool:
* Move your public G+ posts to MeWe as open posts on your MeWe timeline (dated and ordered the same as they were on G+).
* Move your public collection and community posts to MeWe and create open posts on your MeWe timeline (dated and ordered the same as they were on G+) with the collection or community name as a #hashtag.
* They’ll make improvements to the G+ MeWe Importer after launch, including the ability to import your data from Circles onto MeWe, which is expected to be live April 1.
* To make your transition to MeWe easier, by the end of March a “posting to close friends” feature will also go live on MeWe.
* To make your transition simple, they suggest you do two things right away – download your G+ content in JSON format and create your MeWe ( account. Note my data export from G+ was around 10GB and too big to fit on my GDrive so I'm putting mine off for later in March.

Clever MeWe as this will likely pull a lot of G+ users across to them. Does anyone know of other social networks that are close to importing G+ data into their network?


#mewe #googleplus

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The tool is called, the G+ MeWe Importer. The tool is expected to go live on March 12th, possibly even sooner.