Time For Employers To Change Their Perspective On Open Source Contribution – Those That Can Afford It Should Contribute Towards Sustainability

"I was working for a big Financial Institution, and all Financial Institutions have strict rules for their employees to get involved in community-related work, which does make sense, as it may create an issue if someone shares some confidential information, which may include the code as well. Even there are developers, contributing to Open Source, who wants to be low profile in their own organization, as they are scared, they will be treated in a different way or the organization may expect something more, like providing free training’s, or working for more hours, rather than investing their time contributing to OSS, and I know few people from the community, they are going through this."

And all tech companies including Financial Institutions are using and trying to be part of this change. Many financial institutions have Open Source projects.

Some good points made in the article about how big companies can do more to training their developers about what can or not be said at FOSS conferences.

"Only making some projects open source is not enough to support the community. There are organizations with billion $ in profit, using open source projects. But when it comes to supporting those projects they don’t even invest a single dollar."

My own comment: Which is why most of my efforts (code, photography, etc) is fully open source for non-profit use (government, charities, schools, students), but I reserve rights for profit institutions who use this for making profit for their own companies. I make expect ions where its justified but I have a big issue with those who can afford it and just don’t contribute anything back at all. Any money I’ve asked for has been donated directly to charities.

See Time For Employers To Change Their Perspective On Open Source Contribution



Before you read this article, I want to make it very clear, I am not blaming anyone here. Keeping this in mind, let’s move ahead.