TLDR (which stands for Too Long, Didn’t Read) Summarizes Long Articles For You So You Don’t Have to Read Them

Longform articles can be a great way to do a deep dive on a particular topic. That said, sometimes you don’t have the ability (or perhaps the desire) to read through a 5,000 article on a topic right this second, but you still want to get the gist of what is said, that’s where TLDR can come in.

The site automatically summarizes any article, text, document, webpage, or essay by either inputting a website’s URL or copy/pasting the text from an article into the site.

I’m just playing with this a bit as I’m not convinced yet that it does as good a job as a human but maybe a quick summary of a long article is useful to see if you want to do the deep dive still. There are also browser extensions for Firefox and Chrome.

See #^

#TLDR #articles #comprehension
#^This Site Summarizes Long Articles For You So You Don’t Have to Read Them


Longform articles can be a great way to do a deep dive on a particular topic. That said, sometimes you don’t have the ability (or perhaps the desire) to read through a 5,000-word article on a topic right this second, but you still want to get the gist of what is said, that’s where TLDR can come in.