Twitter’s crackdown on third-party clients continues as key features will disappear in June – Mastodon…

Twitter’s crackdown on third-party clients continues as key features will disappear in June – Mastodon etc would Welcome These Devs I'm Sure

Yes, many of these third-party clients enhanced the appeal of Twitter itself in the early days when Twitter's own functionality was fairly bleak. Well, if they're not welcomed by Twitter anymore, they could have free reign with Mastodon (a popular open alternative to Twitter) and who knows, maybe they'd help grow Mastodon even more. The same could apply for Diaspora, Friendica, and other alternative networks. Whilst Mastodon's default UX is often complimented, a good looking UX for mobile clients for Diaspora and Friendica could be very welcome!

Come on Devs, move to where you're wanted and make a real difference! I'm sure your talents will be welcomed and appreciated.



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As Twitter has grown and become more mainstream, they have made life difficult for developers. A new change could drastically change 3rd-party apps as we know them.