Two massive ferries are about to become the biggest all-electric ships in the world


Two massive ferries are about to become the biggest all-electric ships in the world

Over the last year, ABB has been converting two of Sweden’s HH Ferries Group’s massive ferries from diesel engines to being completely battery-powered.

Now the ships are reportedly close to launching, which would likely make them the biggest all-electric ships in the world.

Ferries are a perfect place to start since they often travel only short distances and stay for relatively long periods of time at the same ports, where they can be charged.

It may not be much but it is an important start as shipping is one of the biggest polluters per "vessel/vehicle"… so much so that they cannot enter most ports in the world under their normal sea going propulsion.


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Over the last year, ABB has been converting two of Sweden’s HH Ferries Group’s massive ferries from diesel engines to being completely battery-powered. Now the ships are reportedly clos…


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