UK Will Move Internal Combustion Ban Ahead 5 Years To 2035 – But It May Only Be Political Promises…

Boris Johnson, the UK’s prime minister du jour, has announced his government will move forward an existing policy that calls for an end to sale of gasoline, diesel, and hybrid cars by 2040. The new deadline will be pushed forward to 2035 or sooner, if an earlier date is feasible. Appearing with David Attenborough at London’s Science Museum this week, Johnson told the press, “We have to deal with our CO2 emissions, and that is why the UK is calling for us to get to net zero as soon as possible, to get every country to announce credible targets to get there — that’s what we want from Glasgow. We know as a country, as a society, as a planet, as a species, we must now act.”

Last week, Johnson fired Clare O’Neill, a former energy minister, as head of the planning committee for COP 26 after she went on BBC and delivered a blistering attack on him. According to Reuters, she told listeners, “My advice to anybody to whom Boris is making promises — whether it is voters, world leaders, ministers, employees or indeed family members — is to get it in writing, get a lawyer to look at it, and make sure the money is in the bank.” She went on to say that Johnson admitted to her in conversation that he did not understand climate change.

See UK Will Move Internal Combustion Ban Ahead 5 Years To 2035

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Boris Johnson has announced the UK will move its ban on gasoline and diesel powered cars ahead by 5 years to 2035.