The Ultimate Guide To Wet Shaving

It is inconceivable how old the culture of shaving is, according to the fact that the first recorded wet-shaving was back in 4000BC by Egyptian noblemen. Even more fascinating, if you imagine that it has remained unaltered as a procedure at its core. We are convinced that the art of shaving is a very particular form of art preserved carefully through the centuries and followed by millions of men. Let alone nowadays, that traditional wet shaving is enjoying a renaissance. Standing with respect in front of this ancient, cleansing rite, the masculine one, The Project Garments proudly presents you with the complete guide to wet shaving.


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#^The Ultimate Guide To Wet Shaving


Whether you are a novice or already a wet-shaving lover, there is only one way to do it, and this is to do it right. You should have the appropriate tools for sure, but first of all, you should have the proper attitude.