Is there such a thing as sugar addiction?
[ad_1] Is there such a thing as sugar addiction? It comes in a white, crystalline form and gives us a pleasurable high – but refined sugar is as habit-forming as cocaine or nicotine, according to […]
[ad_1] Is there such a thing as sugar addiction? It comes in a white, crystalline form and gives us a pleasurable high – but refined sugar is as habit-forming as cocaine or nicotine, according to […]
[ad_1] Kobo is doing a better job than Amazon with e-readers Amazon and Kobo both have a number of electronic readers in their portfolio. Each of these devices are bundled with a digital bookstore that […]
[ad_1] Telegram Chat App Gains Reply/Mention Alerts, Twitch Video Support, and More (iOS, Windows Phone, Firefox OS and Android) My note: Yes there are other, and often better messengers than just WhatsApp. Telegram offered end-to-end […]
Google Maps has picture-in-picture mode I only noticed this morning that if you press the Home button when Google Maps is navigating, it will drop to a PiP overlay on top of any other app. […]
[ad_1] Android 8.0 Oreo, thoroughly reviewed A detailed dive into all the changes with Android Oreo. See Android 8.0 Oreo, thoroughly reviewedWe take a 20,000 word deep-dive on Android’s “foundational” upgrades. [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] What's the current state of Linux distros for kids? A round up of which distros are still supported, and fondly remember those that aren't. See Linux distros for kids | Opensource.comWe round up […]
[ad_1] London Metropolitan Police trial hydrogen fuel cell scooter The Metropolitan Police Service, London's world-famous police force, has started trialling hydrogen fuel cell scooters as part of a wider programme to reduce its emissions. Suzuki […]
[ad_1] How China is leading the renewable energy revolution At the start of 2017, China announced that it would invest $360 billion in renewable energy by 2020 and scrap plans to build 85 coal-fired power […]
[ad_1] Quickshot for iOS will help you shoot better photos The in-app camera has a handful different shooting modes, and they all specialize a little differently. There's HDR+, which automatically calibrates the exposure before you […]
[ad_1] Huawei Removes EMUI Firmware Downloads from their Website Some of us are used to being able to visit a website to directly download a new update for a smartphone or tablet. Google does this […]