Unreal Engine 4 – (2018) – Ridiculous Realistic Looking Charactersjust hinting at what more the Future…

Unreal Engine 4 – (2018) – Ridiculous Realistic Looking Charactersjust hinting at what more the Future Holds!

2018, so a new year for Unreal Engine 4 technology to shine! A few days ago, GDC 2018 showed us how great the future of Unreal Engine 4 can look. Especially characters can look better then ever!

At around 7 mins the video goes into extreme closeup on some of the characters and it is really breathtaking to where graphics are at. We've already seen video of the detailed walk through the Titanic and this just hints now at what is possible for more than even just gaming.

See https://youtu.be/Vh9msqaoJZw


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