Untold Stories Of Everyday Innovators Inside Organizations – If you are a leader, I challenge you to democratize innovation and give everyone a platform for innovation
The actual linked article is quite interesting to read and reminded me of two occasions that I have taken up the offer by CEOs of two large IT companies where they challenged the audience to come up with creative and innovative ideas.
I took both up on their offers (neither responded) but the one was a very public Tier 1 ISP in South Africa and my suggestion back then was to zero-rate data for educational and certain government sites – something which an ISP can do. No response, so I sent a reminder and then did a follow-up via a contact I knew in the organisation. Nothing. And ironically a few years later this type of zero-rating actually did happen.
CEOs: Don't challenge the public or your staff to come up with ideas and then ignore them. It is incredibly cheap and shallow. Organisations have such a wealth of untapped innovation as well as experience outside the actual job being done, but most organisations are completely blind to it. I have lots of funny stories of how organisations have missed the boat big time because they're so busy doing their strategic plans and focussing somewhere up in the sky. Sometimes you need to look down at your feet too!
Untold Stories Of Everyday Innovators Inside Organizations |